Called to be Sanctuary
The evangelical lutheran church declared itself a sanctuary body.
Here in Ohio… We are working to live into this declaration as Lutherans and with our ecumenical and interfaith partners. Here are some resources that you may find helpful.
Sanctuary will look different for everyone. AND THIS IS GOOD! God equips each of us with different gifts, resources, and talents to be used to show God’s radical love to our neighbor. We encourage you to faithfully pray about ways your congregation can show love to the children and families who are seeking freedom and safety.
Host a Welcome our Neighbor Sunday: Scripture calls us welcome the refugee and asylum seeker. Center a worship service on these themes. Download resources for worship here.
Support Miriam Vargas: Miriam (pictured above) came to the United States from Honduras. She regularly checked in with immigration officials and had temporary legal status that was suddenly revoked. Contact First English Lutheran Church to see how you can support her family.
Study Scripture and Pray: Fixing our immigration system will not be easy. Study scripture and pray for public officials and for those caught in this broken system.
Write a letter to your local newspaper. Letters to the editor are often read by legislative offices, can be shared on social media, and help editors know what issues you are interested in for them to cover. (Find your local newspaper and instructions for submission here.)
Contact Congress! The ELCA Advocacy page has opportunities for you to write or call Congress. Sign up for action alerts to be kept up to date on how to engage.
Use our Facebook Live Broadcast!
On October 29th, we gathered with Miriam in Columbus Use this broadcast to guide conversation in your congregation or community. Discussion questions are below.
Click the image above (Or this link) to watch the 30 minute Facebook Live broadcast. Each speaker is about 5 minutes and there are questions below for each speaker.
Discussion and reflection questions to use in community groups.
Bishop Abraham Allende
1. The ELCA is an ‘immigrant church’. Did your family lineage migrate to this continent? What is their story? What hardships did they hope to leave behind?
2. God commands us to love our neighbor. How have you been called to love the most vulnerable in society?
Miriam Vargas
1. Miriam came to the United States from Honduras. What do you know about the poverty and violence in her home country?
2. Miriam worked with Immigration Enforcement for years. How long should she be required to wait in limbo?
Jessica Rodriguez-Bell
1. Jessica describes the barriers to immigrants and asylum seekers within our broken system. If you were fleeing violence in another country, what would you do? How would you respond?
2. What did you learn from her presentation on the legal barriers?
Lynn Tramonte
1. What does justice mean for those who attempt to follow the rules (under the orders of supervision) who are now prioritized for deportation?
2. How would your children (or you) respond if your parents were deported one afternoon?
Deacon Nick Bates
1. Our immigration system is broken, what policies should we prioritize in our advocacy? How would you fix the system?
2. What question(s) will you ask of candidates running for Congress in 2020 on immigration issues?
Pastor Sally Padgett
1. How are you personally called to live into your baptismal covenant and to show love of your neighbor?
2. What tangible steps will your congregation or community take to welcome our immigrant neighbors?