Childhood poverty and hunger has long-term negative consequences on our population. The American Psychological Association finds, “living in poverty is associated with differences in structural and functional brain development in children and adolescents.”[1] Simply put, children growing up in poverty are forced to operate under increased and unhealthy amounts of stress related to basic needs. This often leads kids to struggle with learning barriers, life-long health issues, and other hurdles to long-term economic stability and success.
The more power the people have, the less power a few corrupt people will have… Read about how gerrymandering has hurt Ohioans ability to address crucial issues like hunger in our communities.
LGBTQIA+ youth are at increased risk for assault, harassment, and hunger. As we seek to build up a world where all shall be fed, we must stand in solidarity with marginalized populations against further harassment and discrimination.
The House and Senate reported their final budget on Friday June 30th. Here is a quick run down of what is in, what is out, and the work we still have to do!
On March 22nd we had the opportunity to testify in front of the Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services in partnership with Advocates for Ohio’s Future.
The Ohio budget is a moral document. It was released last week, and here are a few toplines!
READ a recent letter to the editor of the Columbus Dispatch. While legislation to ban trans and non-binary youth from sports failed to pass this month, many legislators plan to bring it back in January.
The lame duck session draws to a close, what happened on some of the biggest legislative issues?
The Hunger Network in Ohio encourages Ohio voters to vote NO on State Issue 1, because justice should be blind and not looking at your bank account.