Some people might be racist, but it isn’t a problem anymore, is it? Our schools are segregated, our neighborhoods are segregated. Imagine two people walk into a county social services department for emergency assistance. One gets the services he needs and the other is rejected. One is white and one is black - despite having the same crisis. This isn’t a story from the 1960s in Mississippi, but from Ohio in 2019.
Time to Transform our world... (It's what Advent is about)
The Advent Vibration
If you around kids, you know what the advent vibration is… Kids literally are vibrating with excitement in preparation for Christmas. But everyone should be so moved by God’s love that we are propelled to the same level of excitement in our work to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.
Not by our own bootstraps, but as community
In our very busy and full lives, it can be easy to get consumed with our own problems. I can recall a time when I lived in a world which I tried to believe was post-racial. A world in which I had actually achieved the impossible task of pulling myself up by my own boot straps. I had found a way to gain the education I needed that helped me to get a job with the State of Ohio, thereby ending my ten year reliance on government aid to help me to provide for my children.
A Post Election Reflection
Baptism motivates me to vote
Violence Against Women... In Prison
Isaiah 65:17 gives hope of a new heaven and a new earth; one where the former things are no longer a memory. I believe that we can create a world where injustice will be a distant memory. I believe that we can create a world where women are free to heal from the traumas which have been inflicted on them, and can be restored to live happy and healthy lives.
138... What a weird number
I am among the Americans who fall just above that 138% poverty level who experiences being uninsured. The marketplace was designed for us, but with Ohio’s refusal to establish an exchange, many struggle to gain access to affordable health insurance and are left delaying preventative care. Recently, I had to forgo replacement of a broken crown due to costs and a lack of insurance until the tooth became infected and was pulled.... read more