Welcome to HNO's new website!
We're excited to announce the launch of our new website. We'll be using it as a tool for advocacy, education, and networking. Following are just a few highlights of what the website has to offer:
Responsive Design:
The new HNO website has been built as a responsive design, meaning it's been designed to read nicely across a variety of devices (see screen shot above) - from desktop computers, to tablets, to cell phones.
Tools for Advocacy:
The new website is peppered with a wealth of opportunities to take action. On the Contact Your Legislators page (see accompanying screen shot), for example, individuals can fill out a form voicing their concern about hunger issues. The form will then be sent directly to an individual's respective legislators. This actionable item represents just one of the many options for advocacy. Website visitors can also sign up for email alerts, help with fundraising campaigns, and make regular donations to HNO.
Tools for Education:
In addition to providing avenues for advocacy, the new Hunger Network website also provides outlets for education. Whether individuals are seeking to understand hunger, understand policy, or read the latest, the website provides multiple options to stay informed.
Tools for Networking:
If you're familiar with the Hunger Network in Ohio, then you're also familiar with the fact that our network is vital to our collective impact in ending hunger in Ohio. For this reason, we've established a dedicated Network page (see accompanying screen shot) that allows individuals and organizations to either view our existing network or request to become a part of our network.
Much, much more!
Whether you're looking for inspiration - or simply wanting to get in touch - we hope that you'll find our new website offers a wealth of opportunity for engagement with the Hunger Network in Ohio! Feel free to comment below to let us know how you feel about the new website.